Yongsan Masterplan, Seoul
Studio Daniel Libeskind and Martha Schwartz Partners won an international design competition to transform the center of the South Korean capital into an international business district. The $20 billion project will create a new large-scale district on the Han River that is to include a cluster of residential, office and retail neighborhoods in an extensive urban park. It will also contain new cultural institutions, education facilities and rapid transportation systems.
An archipelago of island neighbourhoods orientate along a central spine, the ‘Retail Valley’ which connects a regional train station with a waterside marina via a continuous pedestrian link with urban activities along its length.
The waterfront is characterised by an extension of the urban grid as a series of wetland and open space recreation areas. Large terraces mediate a 15m level difference to the water level of the Han river.
The eastern edge of the site is organised by a grand sweep of landforms and swathes of green space. This ‘mountain park’ draws inspiration from the mountains which surround the city of Seoul. The mountain park will provide passive, contemplative spaces for reflective activities with views to the towering peaks in the distance.
Linear green arcs create strong pedestrian links between key spaces in the city. Their forms are intended to stand out in the urban fabric as a readily identifiable system of pedestrian-friendly connections between major destinations.